- Internationalizing economic and financial relationships aims to undermine the nation-state’s authority. The global elites will take over when the inevitable global economic and financial crisis shows up. You lose; they win. The death spiral created by these global elites is just around the corner. They will be there to pick up the pieces. After that, their real Great Global Reset Plan will be implemented. Their current reset plan will pave the way.
- A group of international businesses and banks already have disproportionate power over the global economy. The Paris Climate Accord and the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda are already in place. Both are wealth re-distribution schemes to take America’s undeserved wealth away and give it to developing countries across the globe.
- The plan for a New World Order is quietly being put in place. The climate conspiracy is part of the blueprint for change. It is responsible for the re-distribution of America’s personal and national wealth. America must be brought down for the final Great Reset Plan to work. First, your freedoms must go away, and then your money goes away. Remember, people are disposable assets under Communism. The greater good is all that matters.
- A small number of people control the global economy. Twenty international financial institutions, including Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group. They own a large percentage of global financing. Seeing how connected things are is scary. There are three capitalistic systems to choose from 1. USA’s Shareholder Capitalism. 2. China’s State Capitalism. (It always leads to corruption from within.) 3. Socialism’s Stakeholder Capitalism. Private corporations are the trustees of the society. Stakeholder companies will uphold their duty to the community. (While State Capitalism’s duty is to the State.) What could go wrong? It is a Socialist economic trap. It is a bait-and-switch scam. A firm’s principal responsibilities are toward its stakeholders. This platitude and perfunctory statement provide cover for the global elites to own and run the global economies for their benefit. Banks and capital formation lenders are controlled by the elites who look for ways to link environmental and societal benefits to financial returns. Upholding their duty to society is part of their scam.
- Shared value creation includes environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals as a complement to standard financial metrics. The plan is codified in the Davos Manifesto. The elites will decide what that means, not to worry. Your options are gone once the fix is in.
- Your compensation will re-align with the new measure of long-term shared value creation, as decided by the elites. The elite’s ultimate purpose is to do a stealth takeover of global finance and commerce while improving the State of the world. (What could go wrong with their plan?)
- A shared future for the common good. How do you like their play now, Mrs. Lincoln?
- Their plan for you is only clever Socialism. Remember, Socialism is the gateway to Communism.
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