• Every century, the devil has end-timers, depraved, valuable idiots who destroy Christianity and install evil with every breath they take. In the 20th century, the antichrist wannabees were Hitler, Stalin, and Mao (via Nazism and Communism).
    1. In the 21st century, the play is to set up a world government via the Great Reset Plan, using the World Economic Forum as its vessel. The WEF’S OBJECTIVE IS TO BE MASTERS OF YOUR FUTURE. What the WEF publicly declares is propaganda filled with platitudes and perfunctory statements. The actual takeover plans are held in secret. Watch what is happening to you every day of your life. Ignore the daily lies that are being told to you.
  • The Davos elites are coming for you. Democratic socialism is the bridge to actual communism. A stealth revolution has been underway since the days of rage in 1968. 
  • THE WEF’s goal is to have a borderless globe. The US government tells you that our southern border is closed to illegal immigration. They are lying to you. The government used the COVID-19 epidemic to force mask-wearing and put you under their control so that you would get used to it. They made your kids learn from home for two years. To dumb them down. (Educated people are more challenging to control.). They intend to redistribute your wealth to poorer countries using global warming laws. Slavery reparations are being put in place. Ditto for illegal alien benefit payments. Seventy-eight thousand additional, well-earned IRS agents to collect taxes due. Sloppy Joe said anybody earning less than $400,000 a year wouldn’t pay more taxes. In 2022, the IRS bought 4,500 guns and 5 million rounds of ammunition. The mainstream media has been in cahoots with the Democratic socialist movement since 1968. 
  • Good luck fighting back.
  • You have been snoozing and losing since 1968. 
  • They keep it all hidden, and you will never see them coming.
  • The New Left represents itself as Social Democrats on their way to becoming Alinsky-Leninites. They keep it all hidden, remember? Obombo Care was an opening shot. He is still driving the boat, by the way. The Deep State has started moving Sloppy Joe off the playing field because he has become a liability. For Obombo’s fourth and fifth terms, Mochelle is their first choice. If that proves to be a bridge too far, the candidate is TBD this time.
  • The last three New Left trillion-dollar plus omnibus bills are also designed to take your money from you. Many elected Democrats haven’t yet come out of the closet to declare their New Left beliefs.
  • THE BIG-TECH/SOCIAL MEDIA machine works for the New Left and against the GOP. The FBI/CIA, ditto.
  • Taking down America, its Christianity, its wealth, and its democracy is objective number one. Once that is accomplished, taking down the rest of the globe will be a piece of cake.
  • Which side are you on? It is time to decide.
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Vern Bender