• The New Left came out of Communists who were disillusioned with old-style Communism. The New Left was formed by dissenting Communist Party intellectuals and campus groups in the United Kingdom. Later,  campus radicalism in the United States and  Western nations joined also. The New Left Review magazine was established in 1960.
  • A quasi-Engels type of Western Communism kicked off in 1956. It became a form of Communist Socialism. This type became foundational for the New Left. Bryom and Binkie charted its course. Subjection, not murder, was the goal.
  • The movement became a broad political movement in the 1960s and 1970s. It consisted of activists in the Western World who campaigned for a wide range of social issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, rejection of gender roles, and drug policy reforms. The anti-Vietnam War movement became a significant factor in the New Left. Marxist intellectuals and academics controlled the movement from its beginning. Binkie Binkerton and Bryon Slick took over the New Left’s global leadership (with the help of ex-Weathermen) in 1999.
  • Women’s Strike for Peace-And Equality, Women’s Strike for Equality, Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, August 26, 1970. (Photo by Eugene Gordon/The New York Historical Society/Getty Images)

  • The New Left’s mission is to establish a One World Government controlled by them. Their objectives include eliminating the American middle class, opening all borders, equity for all, global control of human populations, environmental management, currency, and economic control. The New Left deems unions as an unnecessary middleman. The direct control of the World’s population is their goal. Social change begets social power. Everything is accomplished covertly, a la Saul Alinsky’s dictum, “Never let them see you coming.” The New Left’s street fighters include BLM, ANTIFA, and the 1960s-1970s  revolutionaries. The New Left in the United States contains anarchists, various countercultural groups, and academics. The radicals of the 60s and 70s were the incubators that produced today’s revolutions. All of these old revolutionaries have been blended into the processes of today. They never abandoned their causes; they just hid themselves away until now. Today, The New Left is funded by international billionaires and oil-rich terrorist organizations from the Middle East.
  • The New Left opposes the establishment structures in today’s societies. White Supremacy (the White-skin privilege system) is target number one. The New Left has rejected Marxist orthodoxy and established revised forms of Marxism. New groups of radicals and revolutionaries are plotting government overthrows across the globe.
  • Globally, legalizing narcotics produces a stoner class of numb and dumb citizens. The dumbing down of citizens of the World helps to facilitate their revolutions on a global scale. Smoking dope and skipping rope is devoid of hope. The killer drug, fentanyl, selects out the unfortunate ones (the raft of life is too crowded, anyway). The American Teacher’s Union is also a leader in the dumb down campaign. America’s middle class must be taken down first. After that, the dominos will fall across the World.
  • An economic crisis is always good revolutionary news. Revolutions must target Christianity for elimination. Christianity is seen as a competing anti-revolutionary force. Christians worship an aspirational God; Christians must be eliminated for the revolution to succeed.
  • Nature provides the canvas for our mind. Our perception transforms things in our minds. Our objectivity is a product of our minds. We create our reality; these projections become a collective result. We order the incoming information in our minds.
  • We only contribute to history; we neither control it nor write it. Prudence isn’t all that patient. Active learning initially observes causality, while passively receiving information creates no understanding.
  • Bryon and Binkie have successfully kept the Mexico border open to all illegal invaders into America. They are achieving the takedown of the American middle class. White Supremacy is on the way out.
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Vern Bender