• Globalization started when Bill Clinton admitted China (2001) to the World Trade Organization. Global coal consumption has increased ever since. This significantly increased carbon dioxide emissions. With globalization, world oil demand is rising very rapidly. Oil demand is growing in developing countries.
  • China’s entrance into the WTO started with the Great Reset Plan, sponsored by the Davos elites. Global corporations can hide revenues and file corporate taxes from the country with the lowest tax rate. The percentage of US citizens with jobs started dropping after China entered the WTO in 2001. This caused a shift in investment spending away from developed countries to undeveloped countries. The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Globalization leads to a vast US trade deficit. Globalism causes corporate taxes to go down and the US taxpayer’s taxes to increase. Global currencies race to the bottom to gain an export advantage.
  • Globalization can be seen as a new form of colonization or imperialism. Economic inequality and the rise in unemployment have followed its implementation. Globalization benefits those already large corporations and is powerful at the cost of endangering the countries’ indigenous populations. Globalism is an environmental nightmare.
  • Deforestation and loss of biodiversity are caused by economic specialization and infrastructure development. The increased transportation of goods causes higher greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution.
  • Individual companies, organizations, and workers will be disadvantaged by global competition.
  • Globalism causes wages to be reduced. This causes devastation to the tax base. Factories are moving to third-world nations.
  • Globalism detaches companies from the community. Globalism leads to stagnation and loss of innovation. Small local companies leave. National governments get special privileges at the expense of ordinary citizens. Globalism transfers jobs from high-cost to low-cost markets. Globalism transfers power from the people’s elected representatives to unaccountable transnational elites. A UN resolution or decision by an international court supersedes our Constitution and the laws of the United States. These rulings are illegal under the US Constitution. Free government and orderly liberty cannot thrive globally. Opposition to globalism does not mean isolationism.
  • Outsourcing, guest workers, and illegals have gutted the US tax base. Secondary labor and child labor are used in numerous parts of the globe. Globalism removes your voice. Globalism allows large corporations to circumvent local laws and restrictions. Globalism is a vast national security threat. Open borders and guest workers are destroying our middle class.
  • Industrial espionage by guest workers is a rampant and colossal problem. Guest workers and illegals are crushing US wage levels. This is destroying middle- and upper-middle-class jobs.
  • The economic damage is staggering. Globalism has turned the US into a service-based economy. Service-based economies are inevitably impoverished nations. Service work equals low-paying jobs. Illegals and guest workers have taken over numerous businesses in the US. The US’s destruction of skilled trade workers is a national security and economic threat.
  • The middle class will continue to shrink; the poor will not be helped by globalism. Income inequality will dramatically increase from where it is today. When one country’s economy tanks, it affects numerous others.
  • The world is finite, and it does not provide infinite resources. Big problems happen when the supply chain for imports, consumer goods, electronics, machinery, and automobile replacement parts is interrupted.
  • US workers get laid off because of lower-paid global workers.
  •   A financial Davos in the Desert (Saudi Arabia) was launched in 2017. The 2022 conference had 400 American CEOs in attendance and zero people from the US government.
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Vern Bender