• Revolution #2: Break the banks & the financial systems.
  • CHAPTER 2.
  • When the 2008 financial breakdown hit, the financiers played a central role in creating the crisis. They made ever-larger gambles with the government’s implicit backing until the inevitable collapse. 2023 is deja vu, redux. The open-ended bailouts of depositors at Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank are a tax of a different kind on America’s taxpayers. Now that the bailout template has been set, you haven’t seen anything yet. The Big Boys always get their money back. Wake up and smell the coffee, America.
  • According to economists from the International Monetary Fund, the American finance industry has effectively captured control of our government.
  • There is a financial oligarchy in America that blocks any attempted economic reforms. The game is rigged in favor of the Big Boys, who control finance in America. The Fed bailed out the Big Boys 100% when The Silicon Valley Bank and The Signature Bank failed. The Big Boys were made whole within forty-eight hours. If and when bank failures start tumbling down in large numbers, the mother of all depressions will have arrived. Wokeness loans, green new deal loans, equality loans, do the right thing loans, etc., are ticking time bombs.
  • The Big Boy financiers have been making ever-larger gambles with the government’s implicit backing. They have been inventing new iterations of junk loans for junk borrowers. The government now covers all bets. The fix is in, one more time, again. The insiders win by gaming the system, while regular folks who play by the rules lose. Maude, is this a great country, or what?
  • Democratic capitalism was first widely implemented after the Second World War in the Western world. Capitalism had been adopted as a Christian ethic early on. Hundreds of years later, during the 20th century, capitalism was deemed the moral, Christian, and sound system instead of the immoral, secular, and evil Communist system. Capitalism produces wealth that maintains political freedom. At the same time, a democratic government ensures accountable political institutions and an educated labor force with its fundamental rights fulfilled. Capitalism provides independence for people to function away from the state. Capitalism is necessary for a democratic society. This necessity is apparent when democracy is in place at the same time. In the post-war decades, democratic capitalistic policies saw reduced socioeconomic inequities. Democracy and capitalism coexisted for fifty years after World War II. The two worked in tandem to create a fair and equitable society. The American system thrived like none other. As the third pillar, Christianity also did its part in creating a thriving and vibrant culture.
  • Things changed during the Viet Nam war years. Protests against the war, racial integration, and Black Powerall tore the family structures apart. Ditto for the dope habits brought back from the war. The times were changing, and not in a good way. Academics were always left-leaning, but in the mid-1960s forward, they went to the far left. If they had a religion, they lost it. They went all-in for hard Socialism and soft Communism. They taught their students to hate the government and their parents if they had any. Religion was forbidden. Morality is for your parent’s generation. You are hip and cool. Trust no one over forty. Communism is the way, the truth, and the light. There is no God. These academics became a curse on every up-and-coming generation. These evil indoctrinations started in grade school and continued through graduate school. You send your kid to college, costing you a quarter of a million dollars. Upon graduation, you get a returning functional atheist who is a dedicated Communist. He wants to live free in your basement while he plots the overthrow of the government. Maybe you should have raised a plumber.
  • Generations of fired-up and ready-to-go Socialist/Communist warriors are ready to rock and roll.
  • Many had been fully trained to be street-fighting sons of bitches. 
  • It is obvious why the devil is using Binkie and Bryon to rid the world of Democratic-Capitalism and Christianity. The six Bryon and Binkie revolutions are winning big time. The array of revolutionaries went underground in the mid-seventies. Sol Alinsky taught them stealth and duplicity is the road to success. Never let them see you coming.
  • You don’t know what is happening, do you, Mr. Jones?
  • The Bank of America benefited from Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, receiving over $15 billion in new deposits from smaller banks. Large banks are too big to fail in the eyes of the government. “Systemically Important Financial Institutions” (SIFI) banks, including their depositors, get bailed out, but the rest do not. The rich get richer. Only the strong survive. Social Darwinism is alive and well. The new left seats billionaires up front on the magic bus while they shove the community banks to the back of the bus. Regional banks protect regional interests. The current stress in the banking sector will cause a US recession within the next 12 months.
  • Why are banks failing now? The Fed kept interest rates too low for too long. The Fed was too late with rate increases. They raised rates too fast. The New Left used COVID-19 as a rationale to dump a few trillion dollars into the hands of consumers and the economy. Our economic system went into shock mode. All of this caused inflation to spike up big time. The New Left said this high inflation was only transitory. Wrong again. The Fed had removed the guardrails from the loaning of money. Too many loans were made to unworthy clients for unacceptable endeavors. Loans for green projects were wrongheaded. Social justice project loans went bad practically overnight. The New Left pushed windmills and sunshine loans on a dreamy delusional basis without end. The magician showed up and wanted to be paid. No problem; Uncle Sam toted a few notes and paid off the rest in full. Free lunches are never really free. The banking system blew up, just like Bryon and Binkie had planned. The Big Boys stepped in and bought up the best financial businesses for a dime on a dollar. They installed Binkie to run the entire money-renting sector; he is to follow the socialist agenda. The Communist system will follow ASAP. Bryon has bigger fish to fry. The socialist/communist fix was in, and Sol, they never saw us coming until it was too late.
  • . Banks holding government bonds that go down in value when interest rates rise have suddenly found their assets are worth less. That has affected the whole banking sector, but smaller banks are more vulnerable. Just like Bryon, Binkie, and the Big Boys had planned it. 
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Vern Bender