THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. A neutron star merger is the stellar collision of neutron stars. When two neutron stars fall into mutual orbit, they gradually spiral inward. Neutron stars result from a...
Now is the time to add a fundamental level to physics. by VERN BENDER | Jun 24, 2024 | C S LEWIS, CHRISTIANITY, CREATOR, DARWIN, DESIGNER, Designer & Creator, EXISTENCE EXPLAINED, FIXING CHRISTIANITY, GOD, JRR TOLKIEN, PHYSICS, QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT, quantum...
The twin triggers of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have rattled the fragile global economic system. The World Economic Forum’s 53rd Annual Meeting, 2023, Part One. The co-showrunners for The Great Reset Plan are Binkie, the elite-effete white boy...
CHAPTER 1: BRYON AND BINKIE TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH THE DEVIL’S HELP. How did it happen? Bryon Slick is mixed race with a dodgy, sketchy past. He had moved around the islands of Southeast Asia until he settled in Cambodia. He became a Pol Pot-trained Communist...
BRYON AND BINKIE ARE WINNING THEIR SIX American REVOLUTIONS. AN UPDATE. Revolution # 1 is the Environmental, Social, and Governance Plan (ESG). ESG is woke, green, diverse, and broke. ESG produces less and costs more. Woke banks across America found ESG loans with no...