The twin triggers of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have rattled the fragile global economic system. The World Economic Forum’s 53rd Annual Meeting, 2023, Part One. The co-showrunners for The Great Reset Plan are Binkie, the elite-effete white boy...
BINKIE BINERTON AND BRYON GO BIG-TIME. (They are coming for your wealth.) They have moved on up. Binkie, the elitist white boy, and Bryon, the mixed-race island boy, have become showrunners. They are running the windmills and sunshine program within the World Economic...
Global crises will be many in 2023. Bold collective actions are needed. Leaders from government, business, and civil society will be addressing the state of the world and discussing priorities for the year ahead. Solutions through public-private cooperation must be...
CLIMATE CHANGE + was launched in 2015. It has 700 investors responsible for over $68 trillion in assets under management, engaging companies to improve climate change governance, cut emissions, and strengthen climate-related financial disclosures. The Great...
THE GOSPEL, ACCORDING TO KARL MARX AND SAUL ALINSKY. (AS IMPLEMENTED BY HILLARY C. AND BARACK O.) Hillary and Barack are disciples of Karl and Saul. Some Karl and Saul beliefs and objectives: 1. Sell an imaginary future that we will own. 2. Social justice for all is...