Eventually, everything is broken, and everyone is dead. Chance rules the quantum world. An electron is never in two places at the same time. In such a superposition state, calling an electron is problematic. Electrons are often considered particles, which, if nothing...
A star’s nuclear furnace converts hydrogen into helium. Sunspots radiate outward from the surface in an eleven-year cycle. Stars have a high-temperature boiling liquid below the surface. They send jets into space, blowing some liquid to the surface over long...
Don’t let them accuse you of hanging around the ink well, and never ride on the Oblivion Express. Tell them to take a look at themselves. Keep your dreams and outrageous scenes to yourself. Time is short. Your clock has now entered overtime for dying. Please...
All things are true with binary interactive, just like the Holy Trinity. Powerful supercomputers can now make 200,000 trillion calculations in a single second. Life forms on Earth started five and a half billion years ago (from single cells to us). The process of...