A SEPARATION IS A NECESSARY THING. How did humans get here? It matters not. Where humans are going matters a lot. The Dominion of Death is transitory. Don’t overrate its significance. It is just a separation process. Reposing in the ground or ashes in a vase,...
OUR CURRENT UNIVERSE STARTED WITH A BIG BANG. THE MECHANISM FOR ATOMS TO FORM WAS BORN, At first, energy and matter were the same. Hydrogen and helium formed hugh clouds. Space itself was being pushed out by the big bang’s energy field. Space had a field that...
All things are triune, with binary interactives. One is three, three is one, and everything else is binary. 137 = one, trinity, completion. 137 IS THE UNIVERSAL FACILITATOR-OPERATOR FOR ALL THREE LEVELS OF PHYSICS. 137 is the coupling constant on all three levels of...
QM is a theory of interacting particles. The nature of these interactions is described in the Hamiltonian for the system. The evolution of the wavefunction is not in real space but in what is called Hilbert space. Two entangled quantum particles must be considered a...
Our home’s timeline: There are 3 Geologic Eras. In the Paleozoic Era, The Mesozoic Era and The Cenozoic Era. There are 5 Eons. Eon Time (mya) Hadean 4,540–4,000 Archean 4,000–2,500 Proterozoic 2,500–538.8 Phanerozoic 538.8–present There are four periods of...