BINKIE BINERTON AND BRYON GO BIG-TIME. (They are coming for your wealth.) They have moved on up. Binkie, the elitist white boy, and Bryon, the mixed-race island boy, have become showrunners. They are running the windmills and sunshine program within the World Economic...
THE BRYON AND BINKIE OBJECTIVE IS TO ESTABLISH A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT. All nations across the planet will merge into a single sovereign entity. Bryon and Binkie will run the show. Currently, America is free-standing. Its Constitution establishes a federal democratic...
DEI is WORLD ECONOMIC FORM-speak for DiivIde, Exclude, and Indoctrinate all who still believe in Capitalism. The Banana- Men of the New Left want to lock their political opponents up and throw the keys away. The Banana Men want to take America down. Their useful...
Old eyes full of sleep, remembering scenes from the past. Family and friends recalled from the film Library of the Mind. Fondness and love for past events are welling up. Also showing up are faces from the past hiding among the stars so far away. Years fade into the...
A handful of dust was thrown in the wind. Looking out of Granddad’s smoke-stained windows, I saw a snake slithering through the grass. It swallowed a frog as it exited the lawn. Smog was cloaking the city’s lights until the light of dawn came creeping...