1967: The Six-Day War grows out of the Suez Canal conflict. 

1967: The Six-Day War grows out of the Suez Canal conflict. 

GOD’S PROMISED THE CANAANITE LAND TO THE JEWS:  THIS TIME, THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED. God promises to make Abram the father of a great nation and give Abram’s descendants that land. God separates Abram from his father’s house, giving him a new...
Most of the Jews will convert to Christianity in the End Times.

Most of the Jews will convert to Christianity in the End Times.

GOD NEVER OFFERED A TWO-STATE SOLUTION. God wrote the Bible. The Holy Spirit moved prophets like Moses and apostles like Paul to write about God’s relationship with the world (1 Ti 3:16; 2 Pe 1:20–21). About 40 people wrote the Bible. Many authors wrote...
Never again is now. Hey, man, that must be deep, don’t you see?

Never again is now. Hey, man, that must be deep, don’t you see?

THIS TIME, THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED. The far side of tomorrow is closing fast as it moves to the dark side of town. Peace in the Valley or rumble in some downtown alley. Your time of dying is an early arrival. Teen spirit is wasted on the young. Every season...
On October 7, 2023, the terrorist group Hamas Invaded Israel.

On October 7, 2023, the terrorist group Hamas Invaded Israel.

TAKING THE LONG WAY HOME. The Balfour Declaration, issued by the British government in 1917, announced Britain’s promise of a national home for the Jewish people—Palestine had been under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. This appeased the Zionist movement, which...
Never again is now. Hey, man, that must be deep, don’t you see?

The human mind is the operating system of the human entity.

The world is in a hot mess. The Devil appears to be winning, but it ain’t over till it’s over. Yogi Berra said that. Persevise and apprehensive darkness envelop all. Relentless lonely days and sleepless nights accompany all of them. As always, some people...