ONE UNIVERSE DOES NOT AN ETERNITY MAKE. One University Does Noti an Infinity MAKE. BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL IS ONLY GOOD. All things are triune, with binary interactive, just like the holy trio The three levels of physics are fundamental, quantum, and classical. THE...
Chaos is too complex to be modeled. Chaotic processes can become deterministic but not necessarily helpful. Randomness is chaotic, by definition. Inexplicable random events? Are random events one-offs or part of a process? A random process is a sequence of random...
The citizens of poverty and misery are on display for all to see. They can’t be kept out of sight, even in the middle of the night, these citizens of poverty. The irony is that welfare has held them down, these citizens of poverty. Their season of discontent...
The consciousness of the mind. The Big Bang kicked off our universe 13.8 billion years ago. The cosmic dark age lasted 380,000 years before it was cool enough to “Let there be light” start to shine. Islands in the sky formed as galaxies. The Earth showed...
Antifa IS an abbreviation of anti-fascism. Antifa is the street fighter unit of the New Left. They engage in violent riots and confrontations in the street. They are funded by the Alinsky-Soros communists. The Biden administration refuses to designate Antiva...