A gentle spring rain was falling. She could not take it anymore. She thought she was only a drink away from committing suicide. On the bright side, suicide does allow you to skip the hospital bed. Death sometimes hesitates and delays, and sometimes not. She found...
Ignore the strife that surrounds you. Always act in the living present. Don’t accept the blame for their faults. Don’t let the doubters attempt to take you down. Don’t deal in their lies; pay them no mind. Avoid the pitfalls you encounter....
The patterns in the human body are brought about by Intelligent Design. Six muscles control your eye movements. Body control systems have sensors coded in two logic levels, simple and complex. The body’s control systems are all automatic and involve both nervous...
Science and God split up because of the Enlightenment. Matter and energy aren’t eternal. The Creator determined the timing and order of the Universe. The Universe has dozens of fine-tuned constants. Selection bias didn’t do the Universe’s...
The definition of woke changes depending on who you ask. Progressive Black Americans initially coined the term and used it in racial justice movements in the early to mid-1900s. One of its earliest uses was in a historical recording of the protest song...