Karl Giberson was one of the Christian scientists who cited Van Till as a model for integrating Christianity with evolution. A physicist, Giberson has been a longtime associate of geneticist Francis Collins, with whom he coauthored a book. For many years, Giberson was...
When you die, your soul will survive in heaven or hell. Evolution didn’t happen the way Darwin described it’s HIS EVOLUTIONARY THEORY HAS REMAINED A THEORY FOR OVER A CENTURY AND HALF. The theory of evolution is ambiguous at best. Issues related to...
THIS IS HOW GOD DID IT. GOD’SSTART UP AND OPERATING FUNCTIONS RUN ON AN ADVANCED QUANTUM/FUNDAMENTAL ARAY OF computing, automation, control, cybernetic systems, and applications machinery that set laws and technological interfaces. GOD IMPLEMTED GOD’S...
BIG BANG THEORY FLAWS PART 1. 2 Light elements: lithium and helium… Antimatter annihilation. … Surface-Brightness. … Too Large Structures. … Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) and its Anisotropies. … Dark Matter. A significant...
BIG BANG THEORY FLAWS PART 1. 2 Light elements: lithium and helium… Antimatter annihilation. … Surface-Brightness. … Too Large Structures. … Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) and its Anisotropies. … Dark Matter. A significant...