PARTICLES AND THEIR FIELDS. Particles have a location; fields fill space. The Higgs field gives mass to particles. You see dozens of vibrating fields. Particles are what you see when you look at an electromagnetic field. Fields are what reality is made of; particles...
The digital nature of biological information: t Natural selection did the build-out on the digital DNA, YEAH, RIGHT! Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of...
OUR GALAXY IS A TYPICAL BARRED SPIRAL, MUCH LIKE BILLIONS OF OTHER GALAXIES IN OUR UNIVERSE. We are viewing it from the outer edge of one of four spiral arms. (actually on a spur of a spiral arm called the Orion arm.) It is about 100,000 light years across. It...
THE DEVIL’S REVOLT GAVE BIRTH TO SIN. The battles raged in heaven. Lucifer and his hosts fell to Earth, where they eventually infested a crop of new-known thought reposers. (us). We are daily on the spiritual killing floor, knowingly or not. Daily, the battle is...
PARTICLES AND THEIR FIELDS. Particles have a location, fields fill space. The Higgs Field gives mass to particles. You see dozens of vibrating fields. Particles are what you see when you look at an electromagnetic field. Fields are what reality is made of, particles...