mRNA is used as a template for protein assembly.

mRNA is used as a template for protein assembly.

Classical mechanics is based on assumed quantities. The discontinuities of quantum mechanics become continuities at the classical physics level. Trying to describe 4D space in 3D terms doesn’t work. The mechanics of quanta need to be told in 4D. A cell...
All things are triune with binary interactives. 1=3, 3=1, = 2.

All things are triune with binary interactives. 1=3, 3=1, = 2.

If our universe had no time, nothing would be moving. The expansion of the universe is accelerating. Energy is always preserved in one way or another. Energy is a free lunch. The universe’s gravity field has a negative charge. We may be seeing duplicative...
Quantum gravity is an emergent effect from space-time curvature

Quantum gravity is an emergent effect from space-time curvature

Field theory: One body produces a gravitational field that permeates all surrounding space but has weaker strength farther from its source. The second body in that space is then acted upon by this field and experiences a force.  A relativistic gravitational field is...
. The big bang is the observed truth with few verified details

. The big bang is the observed truth with few verified details

The black hole in the center of the Milky Way is too large. This doesn’t fit the current big bang theory. Support for the classic big bang model is increasingly shaky. Space is far from empty. The big bang is the observed truth with few verified details. It had...
The universe’s operating system runs from the quantum level

The universe’s operating system runs from the quantum level

An endless past has no beginning. Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel is a thought experiment that illustrates a counterintuitive property of infinite sets. A fully occupied hotel with endless rooms may still accommodate additional guests infinitely. This...