New physics is on the way once quintessence is validated

New physics is on the way once quintessence is validated

HOT AND COLD MATTER DARK ENERGY In cosmology, quintessence is a natural form of energy distinct from any ordinary matter or radiation or even “dark matter.” Its bulk properties – energy density, pressure, and so forth – lead to novel behavior and unusual astrophysical...
A form of dark energy (quintessence) is the fifth force.

A form of dark energy (quintessence) is the fifth force.

Many postulate a force roughly the strength of gravity (i.e., it is much weaker than electromagnetism or the nuclear forces) with a range of anywhere from less than a millimeter to cosmological scales. Another proposal is a new weak force mediated by W′ and Z′ bosons....
A high-energy phase is fast; a low-energy phase is slow. 

A high-energy phase is fast; a low-energy phase is slow. 

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is one of the most outstanding results of quantum mechanics. It states that one (often, but not always) cannot know all things about a particle (as its wave function defines it) at the same time. This principle is...
The Event Originator put life in place, the answer is that simple

The Event Originator put life in place, the answer is that simple

RNA, an abbreviation of ribonucleic acid, is a complex compound of high molecular weight that functions in cellular protein synthesis and replaces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a carrier of genetic codes in some viruses. Science has claimed for years that life...