Dark matter and dark energies are the yin and yang of the cosmos

Dark matter and dark energies are the yin and yang of the cosmos

Our particle zoo is incomplete; we are still missing the particles that make up dark energy and dark matter. Also, the graviton is only kinda nailed down. In science and elsewhere, the rest of the story stays locked in the closet until the rest of the story is solved...
Neurons are the fundamental units of the brain

Neurons are the fundamental units of the brain

    THE MIND/BODY SYSTEM BEGETS CONSCIOUSNESS: Nerve cells (neurons):  nerve cells, also known as neurons, are the active component of the nervous system. Neurons communicate with each other as well as with other cells through electric signals...


Science started as a Christian-embracing entity. Beginning with Newton, Faraday, Schrödinger, Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Joseph Priestley, Gregor Mendel, and Joseph Lister, the list goes on. God is dead, long live reason, kicked off...
Life is three-dimensional, and it begins with molecules

Life is three-dimensional, and it begins with molecules

Life is molecule-driven: Life is three-dimensional, and it begins with molecules.  The DNA double helix embodies the central role that three-dimensional structures play in understanding biological processes. The biological matter comprises small molecules (e.g.,...