All things are triune with binary inter-actives. The standard model contains seventeen particles. Also, there are three of the four known forces. Antimatter, dark energy, and dark matter aren’t included in the standard model. Also, there are many unknowables yet...
Cognitive development is ongoing and gradual. Reality is just in the back of what you see. Your perception of the world isn’t all there is to see. Being here now is a relative perception. You are seeing only one option that is out there. Your brain’s...
A major fundamental change in physics is at hand. Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. The first cause lives here. A cause produces...
HOW TRINITARIAN PHYSICS WORKS: THE PROCESS FOR THE CREATION OF A PARTICLE: 1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births particles. 2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations...
The 3 LEVELS OF PHYSICS ARE FUNDAMENTAL, QUANTUM, & CLASSICAL. (FQC). THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING IS: “ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES.” The first level of physics is the fundamental one. It is the informational blueprint for the universe. It has...