The law of conservation of information means that information can not be created or destroyed. Conservation of information is quantum unitarity, the law that the quantum mechanical wavefunction constantly evolves coherently; no pure state ever becomes a mixed state....
Gravitons are individually too weak to detect. Gravitons roam the quantum realm in droves. Collectively, their patterns give rise to the macroscopic force of gravity. Photons act in the same manner. Gravitons are the quanta of gravity. Quantum gravity (QG) is a field...
In our universe, at its fundamental level, the particles, the forces, and the interactions between them can be described with 26 constants of physics. The top 7 are: the speed of light in a vacuum the Planck constant the elementary charge the Boltzmann constant the...
NATURE IS A CONNECTION OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS, AS IS LIFE. ALL THINGS ARE DRIVEN BY THEIR CODING PATTERNS. Connections are the conduits for energy flows. Interdependent connectivity makes each system work in nature and the body. These self-replicating hierarchies drive...
Defining quantum gravity is required to make physics seamlessly fit together. Quantum physics and general relativity currently overlap each other’s domains and don’t work together. Quantum gravity is outside science today because we cannot conduct...