CHAPTER 1: BRYON AND BINKIE TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH THE DEVIL’S HELP. How did it happen? Bryon Slick is mixed race with a dodgy, sketchy past. He had moved around the islands of Southeast Asia until he settled in Cambodia. He became a Pol Pot-trained Communist...
CHAPTER 1 How did it happen? Bryon Slick is mixed-race with a dodgy, sketchy past. He appeared in Chicago in the early 1970s. He had moved around the islands of Southeast Asia until he settled in Cambodia. He became a Pol Pot-trained Communist while in Cambodia. While...
THE DEVIL’S REVOLT GAVE BIRTH TO SIN. The battles raged in heaven. Lucifer and his hosts fell to Earth, where they eventually infested a crop of new-known thought reposers. (us). We are daily on the spiritual killing floor, knowingly or not. Daily, the battle is...