The serene sky was banished abruptly. Lightning lit up the darkening sky, hitting the ground at times. The roar of thunder rattles the window panes. Rain cascades down, flowing where it can. The demons of the night seek a place to hide away. Our invisible enemy fights...
Quantum biology is the field of study that investigates processes in living organisms that the classical laws of physics cannot accurately describe. DNA is a large molecule that stores genetic information. DNA is a quantum logic processor that coherently operates the...
The industrial revolution, working hand in glove with secularism, fueled toxic masculinity at the expense of virtuous masculinity. God was not needed to do any creation. The impact of Darwinism is deeply ingrained in a secular man’s psyche. Their religious...
Our universe was programmed, designed, and implemented by our event originator. His name is God. Get over yourself and acknowledge that. God created this current universe. He grew us on this tiny blue marble. We possess known-thought consciousness. Some of us will...
Chapter 3: BRYON AND BINKIE TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH THE DEVIL’S HELP. Resolution #1: THE ESG PLAN TO TAKE YOUR MONEY. ESG is woke, green, diverse, and broke. ESG produces less and costs more. Woke banks across America found ESG loans with no risk management...