If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.

  Scientists called it “junk DNA” for decades because they were clueless. Now they know that  80 percent of the genome is transcribed in protein codes. The complexity of the activities in the nucleus of a cell is incredible. A cell nucleus is a...
Protons and neutrons are made up of three quarks.

Protons and neutrons are made up of three quarks.

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. Quarks are many subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge that are building blocks of the hadrons. 2. Quarks have not been...
Quantum fluctuations produce randomly fluctuating electric fields

Quantum fluctuations produce randomly fluctuating electric fields

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. The creation event was the product of the inflationary universe. A big Bang kicked it off. This was followed immediately by a rapid, accelerated...
Dark matter halos seed the clumping of an ordinary mass

Dark matter halos seed the clumping of an ordinary mass

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. Dark Matter is why rotating galaxies do not fly apart from rotational forces. They don’t have enough regular mass to hold the galaxy...
Any axiomatizable theory is either incomplete or inconsistent

Any axiomatizable theory is either incomplete or inconsistent

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. The mathematical code to operate the universe is embedded into the fundamental level of physics. It kicked in when the big bang went off. The...