If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. USE THIS MANUAL. WRITING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS IS THE HARD PART. Achievement is not random. Specified complexity doesn’t just happen....
Trilobites are extinct marine animals with a curious fossil record. Their diversity numbers are off the hook. Their evolution is something of a mystery. During the Cambrian Period, trilobites suddenly went from being soft-bodied animals to developing hard shells. And...
The universe is not reductionist; it is a constructor. The goal of scientific reductionists. Science deals in reductionism. It deals with a logical deduction process. The goal of which is to reduce to a small number of options and rules. Biology can be reduced to...
A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. THE THREE LEVELS OF PHYSICS THEORY WILL SOLVE THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: Gravity needs to be unified with the rest of particle physics. Determine if supersymmetry is natural. (probably not). We need a...
The universe is out of balance. The distribution of matter is not t uniform. It should be smooth and regular. This contradicts the standard model. Dark matter is the controlling force that organizes large structures, such as galaxies and galactic clusters. Dark...