The Bible says a person is a whole person with consciousness, desires, and emotions. The book of Proverbs says, “The laborer’s appetite works for him” (Proverbs 16:26). The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to...
By VERN AND STACEY BENDER. It is what it is. Each person possesses inner strength. Today, many under forty do not believe in organized religion or that God is trapped in a four-wall building. They believe you walk and talk, believe in your heart and faith, treat...
THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. Right now, it depends on WHO is doing the counting. Quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum...
First: What is beyond the beyond? One light-year is about 6 trillion miles. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Our sun is the closest star to us. It is a trip of 93 million miles. Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way, is 2.5 million...
Quantum entanglement’s long journey from spooky to the law of nature. Quantum physics predicts that particles can become entangled. Quantum physics predicts that particles can become entangled. This suggests that two or more particles can be brought together and...