Simple premises beget the fundamental theories of physics

Simple premises beget the fundamental theories of physics

If something is working, it did not happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bicycle. Ditto for natural selection. S Simple premises are the fundamental theories of physics. Some laws of physics can be automated; some cannot. The axiomatic method is...
The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic

The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic

The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic by VERN BENDER | Apr 8, 2022, | C S LEWIS, CHRISTIANITY, CREATOR, DARWIN, DESIGNER, Designer & Creator, EXISTENCE EXPLAINED, FIXING CHRISTIANITY, GOD, JRR TOLKIEN, PHYSICS, QUANTUM...
Simple premises beget the fundamental theories of physics


Science does not evolve gradually toward truth. Its paradigm remains constant before undergoing a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some phenomenon. Now is the time to add a fundamental level to physics. Science must move beyond theories based...
There are no dualities in physics, only binary interactives.

There are no dualities in physics, only binary interactives.

The quantum world is outside our familiar naturalistic context. Local realism is on a field elsewhere. Quantum field theory is a hookup of special relativity and quantum mechanics. QTF is the superposition of special relativity and quantum mechanics. In QFT, the...
The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic

The fundamental level of physics operates the matrix of your mind

Our brains process the information received by our senses. It issues its best guess with every electrical impulse received. Some brains guess better than others. The characteristics of demand systems vary from person to person. The processor of our brain operates from...