The New Left came out of Communists who were disillusioned with old-style Communism. The New Left was formed by dissenting Communist Party intellectuals and campus groups in the United Kingdom. Later, campus radicalism in the United States and Western nations joined...
He was deeply tangled up in the bygones of yesterday. The axe was about to fall. The street fighters were just around the bend. The country is in an uproar; blood is in the streets again. Open doors have been shut behind you. There is only one way out, but you...
The New Left has a Secular, Progressive, Socialist agenda that is their bridge to a Communist America. Binkie Binkerton and his comrade Bryon Slick are the leaders of the silent coup taking America down. They know our middle class must be taken out with malice and...
Old eyes full of sleep, remembering scenes from the past. Family and friends recalled from the film Library of the Mind. Fondness and love for past events are welling up. Also showing up are faces from the past hiding among the stars so far away. Years fade into the...
Today’s new reality generates evil and vile, soul-killing debasements. Yesterday’s values are being strangled by the evil of today. The dull and uneducated live an obscure, banal existence of desperation. The New Left thrives on causing their...