A major fundamental change in physics is at hand. Information is the starting point for physics. The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General Relativity. We believe that locality and causality are...
HOW TRINITARIAN PHYSICS WORKS: The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic status, and reality is born. HOW TRINITARIAN PHYSICS WORKS: The laws of...
HOW TRINITARIAN PHYSICS WORKS: The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. THE PROCESS FOR THE CREATION OF A PARTICLE:...
HOW TRINITARIAN PHYSICS WORKS: THE PROCESS FOR THE CREATION OF A PARTICLE: 1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births particles. 2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations...
THE DEAL, AND HOW TO DO THE DEAL: How existence got here, why it did, and what to do about it. All things are triune, with binary inter-actives. It’s not the people, it’s the event. The island of known thought floats on an unknowing ocean. Science is on...