The visible matter in our universe is uncommon. Everything is a pattern. Information drives the result. A cause produces every change in the universe. A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. The visual material of the universe is...
Mount Rainier is a complex shape but not specified. Mount Rushmore is complex with a specified design. We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. Intelligent design is a scientific...
The wave function is an abstract concept used to predict the behavior of quantum particles. This includes the wave function’s phase, and the relationship between the position, amplitude crests, and troughs of two waveforms. This is how physicists have built...
It has been more than a century since the groundwork of quantum physics showed up, yet the consequences of the theory still elude both scientists and philosophers. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other. Gravity is a feature of the...
The Virgo cluster is composed of over 2,000 galaxies and is Earth’s nearest large galaxy cluster. Dwarf galaxies closest to Virgo’s crowded center contained more globular clusters than those farther away. The universe is expanding faster than predicted....