- Four hundred sixty-nine million years ago, in the Ordovician Period, the Earth’s seas were inhabited by animals like trilobites, conodonts (eel-like vertebrates), and brachiopods. An asteroid(s) hit the Earth.
- Instead of triggering an increase in biodiversity, the cosmic dust from the asteroid’s explosion acted as a temporary brake on species evolution. The dust blocked sunlight, which impaired most photosynthetic processes.
- But suddenly, something happened that became crucial for life to develop towards the life we know from today’s oceans. Marine biodiversity quadrupled in a few million years. It was the most significant biodiversity increase in our planet’s history. The evolutionary process is only half of the life-forms process. The iterative process is the other half of the life-forms binary process. They work in tandem to evolve and shape all life forms on Earth. Together, they accomplish the build-outs of life forms on this planet. The Event Originator coded this binary operating system’s processor to produce all of Earth’s life forms.
- The iterative process continuously improves CT design. When the iterative-creation process is ready, it hands off the coded new model to the evolutionary side of the process for placement on the current reality stage. This cycle is continuous. It is all about the event originator’s coding to begin the universe.
- The iterative process model is a cyclical process in which the event originator’s coding makes and tests incremental adjustments before handing off the new model to the evolutionary unit for installation.
- This binary system is required to make the human body function, among other assigned tasks. The evolutionary synthesis side implements the new build-out changes. Evolution and evolutionary synthesis don’t work correctly by themselves. The life form’s binary operating system includes the iterative coded process; it works seamlessly with the evolutionary process. All things are triune, with binary interactives.
- The reality is that life was designed by God and not an unintended accident of nature.
- Recent discoveries have forced biologists to replace evolutionary assumptions with design-based assumptions. Principles of engineering better explain every aspect of life. Recent biological discoveries have destroyed evolutionary theory. Darwin’s theory of genetics and population genetics formed neo-Darwinism, also known as the Modern Synthesis. Neo-Darwinism is a cohesive evolutionary theory that integrates Darwinian evolution and Mendelian genetics. This is also known as the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution.
- An iterative process works with the evolutionary process. This binary interactive is continuously improving product design. When the iterative process has completed the current design task, the evolutionary side of this binary interactive puts it into action. The event originator’s coding is seamless. All things are trine, with binary interactives. An iterative process that progresses through engineering principles explains nearly every aspect of life better than evolutionary theory. Continuous refinement occurs while the incremental process progresses.
- The iterative process controls the small increments of the evolutionary process. Classical reality emerges from the quantum level of physics. The classical-based reality information coding moves from the fundamental level of physics to the quantum field level of physics, where it forms up before moving to the classic level. Reality is born from this process. This is a general feature of any quantum dynamic.
The Evolutionary-Iterative binary process builds out life-forms.