Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics.
Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module. The creation module has a two-way arrow of time that is built into it. All current information is always passed back into the versatile storage unit. These informational totals can’t be changed or deleted.
The closed sub-atomic quantum system is a duplicate of the macro quantum system. The two systems interact on a binary basis.
The triune combined functions of consciousness, quantum gravity, and quantum entanglement act as one from the underside of the fabric of space-time.
MARS is the fourth planet from the sun. It is the 2nd smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury.
It is referred to as the red planet. Its red-orange color is due to the surface being covered with iron oxide. At times, red dust can cover the entire planet.
The Earth is nine times larger than Mars.
Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere.
The Mars temperature range is -87 degrees to 57 degrees (Fahrenheit.)
The Mars days and seasons are comparable to ours.
It has the highest mountain in the solar system. (3 times higher than Mt. Everest.) It also has one of the longest canyons in the solar system. (Its length is equal to the width of the United States.)
Mars has two moons which are small and irregularly shaped; they may be captured asteroids.
Mars has been explored by numerous unmanned spacecraft from 1964 until now.)
The key findings are The atmosphere used to be thicker. That atmosphere could support the existence of water. (right now, the atmospheric pressure of Mars is too low for that.) Carbon is currently found within rocks, ancient life forms could have been supported.)
There is evidence of plate tectonic activity four billion years ago.
The core of Mars consists of iron and sulfur, which is partially fluid.
The Mars solar days are 24 hours and 39 minutes. It orbits around the sun in 687 days. The Mars atmosphere is 95% Carbon Dioxide, 3%Nitrogen, 1.6% Aragon , and 0.4% trace elements.
Mars perhaps has ice caps of water at the poles. NASA reports that there are large amounts of underground ice in the Utopia Planitia region of Mars.
There is no evidence of a structured global magnetic field, but a part of the crust has been magnetized.
MARS is the fourth planet from the sun. It is the 2nd smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury.
It is referred to as the red planet. Its red-orange color is due to the surface being covered with iron oxide. At times, red dust can cover the entire planet.
The Earth is 9 times larger than Mars.
1ST: Write the code for the upcoming big bang to create another universe. (One universe does not make an infinity.)
2nd: Write the code for the design and descent for all intended results as the event unfolds. ( One event does not an eternity make).
3rd: Set the event in motion. All things are triune, with binary interactives.
4th: Monitor, fine-tune, adjust, and select out ongoing.
5th: Use DESIGN AND DECENT as the process. Write a separately coded blueprint for the consciousness of the known thought reposers.
6th: It’s not the people; it’s the event.
7th: Harvesting new crops of known thought reposers was the intended result.
Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics.
Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module. The creation module has a two-way arrow of time built into it. All current information is always passed back into the versatile storage unit. These informational totals can’t be changed or deleted.
The closed subatomic quantum system is a duplicate of the macro quantum system. The two systems interact on a binary basis.
DNA is a codebook that issues instructions. DNA is the governing force that issues instructions to specificproteins at specific times and amounts.
The gene blueprint regulates gene activity. DNA issues instructions three at a time. DNA is an information structure. It maintains gene production and regulation to deliver the correct gene functions. Genes are networked in a complex sequenced network. The gene network self-schedules and delivers the required results.
Information is physical, and it represents the ultimate nature of reality. These surprisingly simple assertions have many deep consequences. Information theory is the wellspring of our contemporary digital world. The universe is an information network. Life is an informational structure. Quantum gravity interacts with the universe’s knowledge base. This knowledge base stores the human consciousness bits. Growing and storing the knowledge bytes from the known thought reposer’s production is why this current universe exists. The universe’s information structure built the universe. The information structure then operates this universe. When the universe matures, the consciousness bytes generated by the known thought reposers are saved. They will be used again in the next universe.
The triune combined functions of consciousness, quantum gravity, and quantum entanglement act as one from the underside of the fabric of space-time.
The triune combined functions of consciousness, quantum gravity, and quantum entanglement act as one from the underside of the fabric of space-time.