• How did humans get here? It matters not.
  • Where humans are going matters a lot.
  • The Dominion of Death is transitory. Don’t overrate its significance.
  • It is just a separation process.
  • Reposing in the ground or ashes in a vase, free to choose, it matters not.
  • When it is your time to move on, move on.
  • Your show goes on the road.
  • Your Spirit goes up to the Spiritland in the sky or gets thrown out.
  • Try to make the team before you are up for selection.
  • Different strokes for different folks.
  • When solid ground can’t be found, Eskimos sometimes put Grandpa and Grandma on a passing ice flow and wave their goodbyes.
  • How did humans get here? Happenstance or a cosmic mind? You decide.
  • How you got here matters little; where you’re going concerns a lot.

  • Don’t waste your time being wrong. Randomness is wrong; God is the correct answer. A cosmic mind wins every time. Get over yourself.
  • The unseen chronic ethos of always being wrong will waste you away from the inside. God’s apologetics will win every time. It would be best if you got beyond materialism to theistic truths.
  • Yes, your hard drive is plugged into the server in the sky. Stay or go, you decide. Justification is the way to go. Don’t worship in the temple of the wrong. Rational thinking is dependent upon definitions. False equivalencies abound. Don’t let a false thought create a disturbance in your mind.
  • The Event Originator squeezed everything into His Big Bang. The exploded energy created its own space. He also baked the cake that produced us. Were there other cakes that were baked? Probably so.
  • The litany of producing order out of chaos is a splendid thing. It turned pressurized energy into a mass of gas and dust. Hydrogen has a magic touch. It evolved the required chemistry into existence. The atoms from exploding stars are the building blocks for solar systems, galaxies, and more. A galaxy has one hundred to three hundred billion stars, and maybe more. We can see two hundred billion galaxies and maybe more. The number of unseen galaxies, nobody knows the amount. If you think we are alone now, you must think again. Cosmic factories are bustling places.
  • It also baked the cake that produced us.
  • He had done it before, and He’ll do it again.
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Vern Bender