All of the broken promises you left behind echo softly within the shadows of your mind— the sound of faint, distant thunder rolls across a clear blue sky. Lightening is nowhere to be found. An alarming stillness engulfs you. Loninness sneaks into the recesses of your mind. Alone no more.
Echos from the past sporadically show up; very few are pleasant. Some are fleeting, while others are not.
The past doesn’t like to be forgotten. People are whispering, but nobody is listening. A clown is crying in the alley, and nobody cares.
Sweet Baby James, with his lately tracked veins, is nodding off into the land of oblivion. Disneyland is just a shot away. Bliss is where you find it. Sweet Baby James is never there when you need him.
You say you want to find out what it is all about. Look no further; go out that door. There’s only one way out; I’m not going out that door.
Blues no more.
Vacuousness and vapidness reign supreme in our culture today; shallowness and emptiness are closing in fast. The delusion of happiness is on a faraway shore. Don’t stop believing in your failed past. The drivin’ rain won’t wash your troubles away. The arc of suffering grows stronger every day. The ocean’s pounding roar is getting harder to ignore.
The vacuum in your mind is eating away the knowledge you have stored away. Most people are stupid, anyway. The strong are the first to melt away. The weak go unnoticed. Their secrets are of little matter. Invisibility suits them best as they watch the rest pass through. Nowhere is their destination of choice.
Vern Bender