• Endless white sandy beaches and sparkling turquoise Agean waters glisten in the morning sun. Bracing winds blow in from the distant past.
  • Sweet Baby Jane, with her lately tracked veins checked out while trying to find out what it is all about. Jimmi the Fox and Janice the Jop followed along. Later on. Jim said, “Me too.”
  • Some people spend their health as if it were wealth. While some people hoard, others are bored. They spend their treasure on earthly pleasures.
  • When cancer overtakes them, it takes only half the time to die. Mary Jane will always ease the pain.
  • A verdant peak surrounded by a dense canopy of green hides what lies beneath. Knotted-up vines are holding things together.
  • Abandoned ancient Jewish synagogues reposed side by side are still hidden away. The Sephardic Jews of Spain resided in Turkey for a while.
  • Every form of refuge has its price. Non-Jewish cultures don’t last too long. Remember to celebrate your culture and history within the smoke rings of your mind.
  • Cobblestone streets lined with ancient olive trees separate the local vineyards. Today’s shorelines are remembrances of things past. Eels from the Sargasso Sea migrate to Turkish rivers that feed into the Aegean Sea. The treadmill of life flows and moves.
  • A tomb on a hill has a room with a view.
  • A Summer villa outside a little fishing village near Istanbul is hidden in plain sight. Here, stable boundaries remain where they used to be.
  • From Libyia to Scotland, Rome was large and in charge.  Boudicca was the barbaric warrior queen. Hadrian built a wall to keep the Scots at bay.
  • The Legions needed to wall out the terrifying Scottish Picts.
  • The lowlands always meet the highlands, coming through the rye.
  • Insurgencies crumble and fall.
  • They get recycled before they rise again.
  • Unsuspecting societies fracture before they die.
  • They scatter into the desolate wind.
  • Down the road, they begin again.
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Vern Bender