When she goes to put others down, that satisfied Betty Davis smile becomes her state of play. She can pretend to be someone else, but strange suits her best. She is confusing others; that is her plan. The game she is playing changes when she deems it is time. She is a charming exploiter.
An age fades into a new eon, with fresh mornings filled with hope. Angry skies are still around. Slow motion change rules every day until it doesn’t. Salvation is hiding out of sight today.
Opinions sneak up on you and hit you in the face. The haunting of your existence is stalking you because your past refuses to go away. You can run, but there is no place to hide.
Mix and match the ideas racing through your mind to reverse what has happened to you. Good luck with that. You are sorting out the word pieces people hurl at you, trying to make sense of their disarray. Their chaotic minds are on full display. Their wayward jumble of ideas is meaningless and wrong.
Freedom is slip-sliding away; first, you plan, and scheming comes next. Sadie knew how the wind would blow through the cane field on his land. She lit the flame and burned that field to the ground. Sadie screamed out that It served him right to suffer. Revenge is always a part of a woman’s game. Many of the conversations making the rounds are lies disguised as truths.
Three decades after Luther made his move, Shakespeare’s plays came about. They had set about to change things up. Churches had images painted on their walls. Shakespeare’s dad whitewashed those images away. The Word was once again the dominant thing. Words cause imaginations of the mind. Images have nothing to say.
During these times, traditions were being torn asunder. History was being re-defined. Rebellions of all kinds were not to be denied. Change went into warp speed then, just like now.
In England, bar theaters were in vogue from the 1550s through the 1590s. Billy Shakespeare hit it big; timing is everything. English pride got way out of line. Dissolute, self-indulgent, and drunkness were in style for a while. The One Hundred Years War was one hundred and sixteen years long. It lasted way too long. (1337 AD to 1453 AD). The War was about who would sit next on the throne of France. The Black Death caused a truce for eight years during the War. Never let a good war go to waste; it amuses the aristocracy. Fight on fiercely, Knights of the Lords, and your rabble too.
Class warfare is more covert than overt. The first draft of life is always rough around the edges. Throw it all away and begin again. Today, there are more things to rebel against than ever.
A consciousness filled with guilt is its only reward. The theft of irony can’t pierce the doubt appearing on the horizon.
Low lives found in familiar low places can steal your dignity and pride before you can escape to the other side. Many people you meet have an undeserved inflated opinion of themselves. When you see them, walk on by and say goodbye. Remember, speaking to the rabble can cause high anxiety, so walk on by. Those folks are usually tangled up in bitterness, anyway.
Avoid all undercurrents of tumultuous, turbulent, and frenzied psychotic reactions from people you sometimes meet walk on by. Changing them isn’t your problem. Don’t even wait on the corner; they are usually relentlessly, implacably, and persistently stupid. Dullards should enter politics, where they will fit right in. Remember, role-playing allows you to avoid reality.
Cleaver is always in the eye of the beholder. Shallow Sally always stays in the shallow end of the pool. Shallow Sally only operates on the surface of things; she cannot go deep into anything.
It is hard to decide how much to tip the whipper when they tie you to the whipping post. Repudiated justice is no justice at all. Rational thought is overstated and overrated. Regions that rise too fast fall the hardest when that’s all she wrote.
Vern Bender