- Unguided natural mechanisms can’t produce new biological information and, therefore, can’t explain the origin of life. Every complex operational process requires a plan. A meticulous plan underlies the process of metabolism. Information is not a material entity. Information is information; it isn’t matter or energy. Information can’t originate by itself in the realm of molecules.
- Science is only one way of getting to the truth. Logically incoherent does not deliver truth. Truth must be coherent and stand on its own. It must tap into reality. Conversation reveals substance. Reason is not in opposition to revelation. Keep God in the correct category when discussing Him. God and Santa Claus are in different categories. Authority has many categories. We wrongly bestow spoken truth on experts commenting outside their experience. Statements expressed from a position of power do not automatically qualify as truth. We unwittingly agree with statements emanating from an influential person. Categorical knowledge and experience aren’t very transferable to other areas of expertise. If a physicist states a position on Shakespeare, usually, it will be wrong. People should stay in their lane or at least qualify their statements. People of all seasons are few and far between. He’s the boss, always right, but not necessarily so. Errors of opinion abound. Intellectual defenses of Christianity are few and far between. Expressing Christian opinions begets offense and worse. We live today in a pluralistic and complex world. Trying to save a soul is difficult unless you are a man of God. Living by example is easier to do. It is not a blind faith but an unseen faith. Faith begets good deeds. The blind faith lie has been around for a long time.
- Superficial thoughts become meaningless results. Evidence-based beliefs require a leap of faith. Church sermons should be less devotional and more intellectually based. People need more of here’s the deal, and here’s how to do the deal. People already know the part of “I’m a sinner, and I’m on the highway to Hell.” There is still too much blame and guilt assigned in today’s sermons. Intelligent Design subjects need to be incorporated into today’s sermons. There needs to be less preaching and more teaching in Christian churches today. A little less litany would also help. Keep the singing and the organ, but eliminate the guitars and drums. Some praise and adoration are always helpful. Repetition is the branding iron of knowledge, according to the Jesuits. The congregations need to hear how science has validated God and the purpose of human existence. They had listened to the traditional sermons from before they were confirmed. Sermons need to be updated with the times. Science keeps winning with Darwin’s 160-year-old flawed theory because Christianity refuses to update its message, communications, and approach. Things have changed, and Christianity has not.
- Relative truth and morality are endemic these days. Christianity offers little defense concerning relativity. Science corrects itself in the long run, but Christianity’s delivery does not. Nature’s constants could have only been fine-tuned by the Event Originator (God). Christianity must address who we are, how we got here, etc. God created the universe and us. Punctuated evolution was the primary process. God coded all of the methods used to produce the universe and us.
- Beyond good and evil is only good if you can get there.
- All things are triune, with binary interactives.
Every complex operational process requires a plan to function.