- Our brains process the information received by our senses. It issues its best guess with every electrical impulse received. Some brains guess better than others. The characteristics of demand systems vary from person to person. The processor of our brain operates from the top down; it sorts out the options until a conclusion is reached after the sorting is done. Once a determination is gone, it is stored in the library of our mind.
- Our brain’s machinery keeps us steady until it can no longer. Intro-operative nuances also vary unless they do not. Systems always strive for stability. Predictions only matter until they are passed. Being alive does not always lead to awareness. Conscious free will is not always accessible.
- The cerebellum helps coordinate and fine-tune movement and balance. We perceive only a thin sheet of reality, the outside shell that is only skin deep. Our perception violates most of the paradoxical laws that govern reality. Our patterns of beliefs are projected from the perceptions we have stored away. You infer from your database. A thought can be drawn from prior perceptions or not. Other reviews show up with no perceptions attached. This hacking of your mind is a constant thing. Evil jumps in from the killing floor every chance it gets. It is up to you to determine right from wrong. “The devil made me do it” isn’t the answer the event originator wants to hear. Every transaction result that involves you is recorded on your electronic scoreboard. A winning transaction percentage and a correct belief system will get you a ticket to ride. In or out is up to you.
- A hallucination is an uncontrolled perception. We store our non-hallucinations within the vacuums of our minds. Hallucinations are not kept. They just come and go in random formats. Our stored code sorts things out. Information is not unbounded when it arrives at its intended purpose location. The information does not get lost in the memories of your mind; you cannot call it up anymore. Information is limited to the space available. Information is an invariant thing unless it moves elsewhere.
- Every black hole is eventually gone. Its information is not gone; it just goes elsewhere. It becomes stored in a non-location way. The information in a black hole is equal to the surface area of the black hole. The information inside the black hole shrinks down to a singularity. At criminal times, it moves to the surface of a black hole. Scrambled information can be turned into a perceived reality, given the right point of view.
- An atom decaying inside the sun is invariant. Its existence is dependent on the observer’s point of view. Information is never lost; the structure of physics depends upon information never being lost. A set of axioms and their theorems must remain valid, or the physics system will collapse. An inconsistency would destroy everything.
- A system based on randomness would lose information with every mistake it would randomly make. The ability to build things without a pre-existing, coded pattern could not create a bobsled, let alone a universe.
- Quantum mechanics is information-driven. Gravity is about the surface geometry of all mass. Each time a universe leaves, the Event Originator arranges to store its data. That information is repurposed for the next universe to begin. The Event Originator allows only one universe to exist at a time. One is all he needs each time. His cycle is quarks to a cosmos and back again. Small becomes large until, under pressure, large becomes small again. This is the cycle of life. Repeat as necessary. The equivalence principle is the fundamental law in physics, which describes that inertial and gravitational forces are similar and usually indistinguishable. Everything is equivalent and conformed with no exceptions. We have a flawed opinion about the locality of all things. Being here now doesn’t always have to be true. Mass can move throughout the matrix without moving at all. The Brinay movement stated that triune things operate at the fundamental level of physics.
- Everything is mostly space. You get high-resolution 3D reality from a 2D surface. A hologram is a flat (two-dimensional) surface. When you look at it, you see a third dimension. You are viewing it as a depth illusion. The universe’s contents originate as mathematics encoded on a boundary surrounding the cosmos. Randomness cannot code anything. Using an external, unpredictable physical variable cannot produce a random build-out.
- Providing zero input is still considered an input. No element has any consistent, rule-based relationship to any other element. Randomness must always remain random.
- The information from a 2D space begets a 3D reality.
- Causality comes from the past. Everything that is happening now originated in the past. Causality is merely a triggered a response from the recent past that is happening now. A cause triggers events. Nature deals with causes as they are presented. Understanding and solving operate on two different levels.
- A configured information set is presented to your brain. You rearrange it with the correct stored information and issue a conclusion. Your understanding rearranges inputs. The bits and bytes of information are edited, rearranged, and then promulgated to our intended audience. A situational decision is issued or not. Quantum mechanics is not the whole story. The quantum level of physics proposes a result, and the fundamental level decides. The basic level of physics operates the matrix of your mind. The quantum level offers predictive options. The matrix at the fundamental level then decides.
- Quantum mechanics is information-driven.
- All things are triune, with binary interactive, like the holy trinity.