• Sufficient reason is not enough; the dark side of philosophy will try to convert you, and it is ongoing. Reality, as perceived by you, is incomplete. Our senses create illusions in our minds. We can’t see the entire picture and gain access to what is unseen as we perceive what is being viewed. The oneness of reality is partially hidden from our view. We are forced to live within our limited objective experience.
  • Our will to live comes and goes like a thief in the night. Your will is the little engine that could until it can’t. You will start in your subconscious mind and bubbles up to conciseness as needed. The nature of reality is viewer-dependent. Systematic splicing of various perceptions happens in consciousness with a flash of knowledge. We formulate thoughts and relevant ideas with every waking breath we take. Asleep-thought dreams are a different matter. Needs become necessities that we use up.
  • Good art is sometimes a clarifying experience. Logic and reason hide in plain sight. Use them to find the answers from within.\
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Vern Bender