• The Communist Manifesto was originally published in German in 1848. The defining feature of Communism is the desire to abolish private property. Private property wasn’t made or earned by an individual but by many laborers working together. Therefore, the property should be shared. This is the mother of all syllogisms, but it sells well.
  • With the end of the Cold War, many Americans justifiably believed Communism had been defeated. But American Marxists have gained more influence than ever before. Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, these cultural Marxists want to distort America’s history and dismantle its very foundations. Unless Marxist ideas are defeated, their proponents will push the United States to follow a totalitarian ideology that obliterates freedom and opportunity.
  • Antiracists’ policy prescriptions will fail on their terms: Because their inputs are arbitrary, their outputs inevitably will also be random. Antiracists will do precisely the thing that they claim to hate most. They classify people on the incidental basis of skin color and other physical features. Antiracists would sacrifice individual equality for a delusion of proportional representation everywhere and always.
  • The New Left combines ignorance with faux-intellect double-speak. Ignorant and unscholarly, they represent a massive threat to democracy. The New Left’s desire for power and suppression is boundless. They sacrifice individual equality for a delusion of proportional representation everywhere and always. Proportional representation refers to a type of electoral system under which subgroups of an electorate are reflected proportionately in the elected body. This system produces mixed, balanced representation reflecting how votes are cast. Congressional seats are allocated in proportion to the vote share each party receives. Proportional representation also means fair representation by population applied to states, regions, etc. Proportionality by region and proportionality by party is the ultimate goal.
  • The Cultural Communist movement targets the eternal truths of rage. The BLM, ANTIFA, AND ME TOO movements have stoked white, rural, and underclass rage.
  • The ruling class of every society needs to be overturned with a bottom-up revolution. The excessive political power of the left-wing social media platforms that dominate information flows today will only be broken as the result of a multifront, multi-actor war against the likes of TicToc, Facebook, etc. Social media platforms must be reclassified as public utilities, common carriers, and regulated. Tic Toc needs to be banned in the United States.
  • Democrats and leftist organizations are fueling a Marxist revolution against American culture and society. They’re indoctrinating the public with radical Marxist ideologies like Critical Race Theory through public education. The mainstream media carries the Marxist message to the masses. Social media does the same. The cancel culture censors all opposition to Marxism. This trifecta of subversion is winning the battle daily. America’s Conservatives must stop the New Left from taking America down. This New Left’s brainwashing must be done away with before it is too late. The New Left’s dominion over American society and government must be stopped. American totalitarianism can’t be tolerated. American values like freedom of speech, free-market capitalism, and private property rights will be taken away. America is indeed on the road to serfdom. Wake up before it is too late. The New Left is the sworn enemy of America. The New Left’s treasonous thoughts want to overthrow our republic. Radical educators are brainwashing your kids and grandkids. The New Left is a social movement haven for unhappy people who flock together to build an unhappier world controlled by the New Left. The New Left is engaged in a counterrevolution to the American Revolution. Black Lives Matter is the latest iteration of violent Marxist-anarchistism.
  • You haven’t got a clue, do you, Mr. Jones?
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Vern Bender