Originally Answered: Is Andrei Linde’s theory of Inflation/Multiverse possible if the Universe is flat and Infinite?

Is Andrei Linde’s theory of chaotic inflation compatible with our observable universe, which appears flat and possibly infinite?

Chaotic inflation is usually taken as implying eternal inflation. The Penrose diagram for an eternally expanding (inflating) universe (very like the old Steady State model, in some ways) looks like the lower half of a diamond, where the flat top is the infinite future and the lower vertex is the infinite past.

 spacetime. (In reality, this space should be Hubble expanding, but let’s pretend the expansion halts immediately, just so we can model it easily.). These universes, embedded within the eternal inflation Penrose diagram, form finite-sized diamonds (squares tipped over at 45 degrees). They get smaller as you move up the diagram, due to the scaling, and there would be an infinite number of them. But here is the surprise: each Minkowskian universe models a static, infinitely large flat universe with an infinite past and an infinite future

Quantum physics begins when we take some equations from classical physics, play with them a little, and come up with equations that have, besides the classical solutions, also solutions that make absolutely no freaking sense in a classical context. And then we say that these solutions nonetheless describe reality.

Remember that famous line from the movie The Matrix: “There is no spoon”? It’s really like that. There is no (classical) electron path. There is no electron position. Or momentum

So, totally separate force that you just don’t normally get taught about in high school. Gravity and electromagnetism are the “common forces” that affect our day-to-day lives, but the strong and weak nuclear forces are important as well. They just operate on very short distances.

Einstein’s now-widely accepted photon theory, precursor to his general relativity theory, states that light is packaged into “quanta” that have particle-like properties (later experiments would show a “wave-particle duality” of light and certain other very small massive particles). In the case of collisions with matter, light tends to behave more particle-like. We know that the atoms that make up matter are actually a lot of empty space due to electromagnetic forces separating atomic nuclei from each other. When light encounters a solid material, a nonzero amount of it will pass right through (though that amount may not be detectable by the human eye). The amount that passes through depends on the density of the material; the more tightly the atoms of the material are packed, the less likely a photon will get through without any collisions.

A half-silvered mirror places a thin, translucent layer of a normally highly reflective material like metal over a normally transparent material like glass. While glass is relatively high-density, the properties of the silica material it’s made of allow for the transmission of light by capturing and releasing photons along the same vector (or very near so), so it slows but does not stop or scatter visible light (glass does block UV, but that’s another question). The silver, however, will reflect light, capturing and releasing it at a very high ”refraction angle” compared to glass’s very low one. So, whether the photon is reflected by the silver or refracted through the glass of the mirror depends on what that photon hits first: silver or silica. The principles behind quantum theory state that it is impossible to predict exactly what material each photon will hit first, and thus, it is a fundamentally random event; we can use probability and the Law of Large Numbers to predict percentages of light reflection and transmission, but tracing any single photon’s path through spacetime is impossible.

In any case, the important lesson to remember is that the initial singularity is a moment in time that is not part of this universe; only subsequent moments are. Kind of like the set of all real numbers that are greater than 0. This set includes.

There is really good evidence for the Big Bang in the form of what is left lying around in the universe and what that stuff is doing. We can be confident that the universe was once extremely compressed and extremely energetic and that after the Big Bang the universe developed in a way that is consistent with known physics. This shouldn’t be a surprise because “known physics” is modelled on the observed universe.

The problem is that when you try to work back to back in time to the instant of the Big Bang, the physics gets confusing. When physicists find they are in this kind of muddle, the usual strategy is to gather data and then find equations and models that match the data. Unfortunately, all the data available comes from this universe and in the time period after the Big Bang. We’re stuck! It’s like trying to build a car using a cake recipe or something. If we had just one reliable observation from before the Big Bang (if there was anything) or from another universe (if there are any), that would be incredibly illuminating and provide enormous guidance to physics, but there appears to be nothing available, and there is probably no hope of ever getting any of the data we really require.

in this situation, physicists have to make stuff up. They don’t make up random stories (like the universe was vomited up by a giant tortoise, or something) but try to form models that are consistent with what they think are deeper underlying principles of physics. Unfortunately, no one actually knows what these deeper underlying physics principles are either. We have to make a guess about that too.

The universe from nothing is one such idea. Or more correctly, one “group” of ideas: most of these speculations come in multiple versions and may overlap with other speculative models. The general idea is that that there is a background vacuum realm that is even more empty than empty space. It doesn’t even have SPECIAL  dimensions and maybe not even time. This is basically impossible; you just have to kind of believe it or not. What this proto-space does have—or is assumed to have—is quantum fluctuations, a little like the quantum fluctuations in the “empty” space in our universe that can produce random particles. Here-and-there, every now-and-then—whatever that means in realm with no space and maybe no time—a tiny little of real space is created by quantum fluctuations. If this bit of space is too small, it might just disappear, but if it has a critical size, it grows in a kind of wild runaway process into a universe, aka a Big Bang. The energy of the Big Bang is provided by the gravitational potential energy of the new space itself (I believe).

Is there any evidence for this? Nothing, or almost nothing. There is just one key bit of evidence: our universe has not been around forever; it or at least the current form of it, did start somehow, about 14 billion years ago.

This is just one model out of many. It has a bit of inner logic, but it has no real evidence and isn’t even fully worked out. No one has seen the proto-vacuum; it is highly speculative. We just know that the universe exists and we guess there is some kind of cause, even if it is just a random fluctuation. Hopefully, someday someone will come up with a model that fits all known observations and is internally self-consistent, plus is simple enough and doesn’t have too many arbitrary elements, but we aren’t there yet