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  • Darwinism thus gave impetus to the male revolt against the home and family. Transcendent values became a foreign concept to secular men. Social Darwinism, in a subliminal way, continues to be highly influential to secular men.
  •   Social Darwinism argues that evolution has produced naturally uncivilized men. Men are, by nature, violent, sexually predatory, and irresponsible. According to Neo-Darwinism, men lust in their hearts and minds, fight and compete; they chase power and glory but miss the meaning of life. Some men want a pass on moral responsibility. Both men and women are wired for marriage. That does not mean all people should marry, but it does mean that men do not have to sacrifice their essential identity to marry and raise a family. According to evolutionary psychology, men are uncivilized beasts who need women to tame them.
  • Influential thinkers and academics widely hold this belief. Left culturally unregulated, men’s sexual behavior can be promiscuous, their paternity casual, and their commitment to families weak. This academic message is a dangerous one because it fosters male irresponsibility. It tells men that marriage and family run counter to their authentic nature. Because men are naturally prone to irresponsibility, and it is women’s job to civilize them. This theory that women impose marriage is an incredibly damaging message to send to men. Hunt, pursuit, and capture are biologically programmed into male sexuality. Generation after generation of men must be educated, refined, and ethically persuaded away from their tendency toward anarchy and brutishness. Masculinity is aggressive, unstable, and explosive. Marriage rates in the United States are at their lowest level ever. Negative definitions of masculinity have negative consequences. Other versions of evolutionary psychology circulating today state that men are naturally crude and irresponsible. But the idea that men are genetically hardwired for infidelity does not make sense scientifically. Evolution does not give men a pseudoscientific excuse for sexual promiscuity. Evolutionary psychology tends to be only loosely tied to scientific data. New theories are invented freely. Your children and grandchildren are being taught this garbage. It is far too easy for evolutionary psychologists to develop narratives with no solid empirical evidence. Humans are no longer responsible for their behavior once you have reduced all behavioral tendencies to inexorable genetic mechanisms.
  • The appeal of evolutionary psychology is that it claims to be scientific. It claims to ground concepts of masculinity in science. But its scientific underpinnings are being radically questioned. DNA discovery has revealed that coded information is at the heart of every living cell. A human body cell contains as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica, all thirty volumes three or four times over. As a result, the origin of life has been recast as the origin of biological information. And in all human experience, information is the product of the mind. Natural forces do not create messages. It is reasonable to conclude that life is likewise the product of a mind, an intelligent agent. As Darwinism is discredited scientifically, we should also challenge how it has shaped the secular code of masculinity. We should refuse to accept an evolutionary script telling us that men are, at the core, brutish and barbarian — men are sinful beings and that many have committed rape and violence throughout human history. But that is not how God created them. And because it is not in their intrinsic nature, they are not locked into it. The biblical view of manhood offers men far greater dignity than any secular view.
Vern Bender
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