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  • Another reason for the shift toward Socialism was the Great Recession of 2008. It tore a massive hole in the American people’s belief in Capitalism as the way to a better life. Many younger Americans became soft socialists. Soft Socialism is a blend of the welfare, administrative state, and socialist democracy. Forty-four percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 29 would prefer to live in a socialist nation rather than a capitalist country. Another seven percent would choose communism. (We need to fix that). Seventy percent of those surveyed did not know that Socialism is based on the common ownership of economic and social systems. They also didn’t realize that under Socialism, the state controls the means of production, and over one-half of the survey respondents like the democratic Socialism of the Scandinavian countries. The acceptance of Socialism by young people is not new. This places millennials on a slippery slope. They are clueless about the denial of free speech, free press, free assembly, the imprisonment and execution of dissidents, no free and open elections, and no independent judiciary. Living under the dictates of Socialism or the dictatorship of the Communist Party needs to be explained to them. All the while, our education system preaches Socialism and Communism from grade school through graduate school.
  • The Democratic Socialists of America are on the move. Socialism’s new-found political clout is growing.
  • Bryon and Binkie are pushing medicare for all, free college tuition, legalization of marijuana, and the elimination of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). DSA  leaders are white, male, well-educated, and from middle-class families. DSA has a national constituency, fund-raising potential, strong media interest, and an aversion to work. Most of them overrate their existence. The DSA wants to convert industries like health care into public utilities; regulate coal mines out of existence; subsidize sectors of the economy like solar energy; and operate corporations like Amtrak and Freddie Mac, with the rest later. Pure Socialism and soft Socialism are a distinction without a difference. DSA purists seek public ownership of the means of production and centralized control of goods and services. Soft socialists seek to achieve pure Socialism ASAP.
  • TODAY’S WANNABE AMERICAN SOCIALISTS have never heard of the Berlin Wall, the Gulags, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Tiananmen Square massacre, or the daily bread lines in Moscow. One-third of all Americans would prefer to live under Socialism rather than Capitalism. Is it idealism, envy, or a lack of knowledge? About seven in ten Americans could not define communism. “They don’t recognize that much of what they enjoy is a result of Capitalism and would disappear if Socialism were implemented. They haven’t seen Socialism’s failures firsthand. They are clueless about the evils of Socialism. 1. Socialism has never worked anywhere. 2. The founding father of Socialism is the messianic Karl Marx. 3. Socialism forbids the age-old right of private property. 4. Socialism insists that human nature is malleable, not constant. 5. Socialism depends upon dictatorship to attain and remain in power. 6. Socialism is responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million victims.
  • There is no exception whether in China under Mao Zedong, North Korea under Kim Il Sung, Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, Cuba under Fidel Castro, Cambodia under Pol Pot, or Ethiopia under Mengistu Haile Mariam.
  • Collective Human Rights Undermine Individual Human Rights.
  • How do you like the play now, Mrs. Lincoln?
Vern Bender
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