A life of fear and terror. Protest, and you will be jailed and/or die. Your idealism, personal safety, and the ability to pursue your dream are no more. What is left of your spirit will be crushed. Conform or die. Bureaucrats will control your every move. Your patriotism will become a vacuous, vapid shell of false cliché. Is this what you are looking for?
Every socialist experiment starting with the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, has ended this way. Is this what you are looking for?
Collective Human Rights Undermine Individual Human Rights.
We’d like to see your plan. Does your project include these five necessities?
1. Socialism has never worked anywhere. 2. The founding father of Socialism is the messianic Karl Marx. 3. Socialism forbids the age-old right of private property. 4. Socialism insists that human nature is malleable, not constant. 5. Socialism depends upon dictatorship to attain and remain in power. 6. Socialism is responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million victims.
Do you want a planned self-destruction or a slim-slow slide into the waters of oblivion? Socialism/Communism provides both.
Remember, Democratic Socialism is a bridgeto true Socialism. OUR COMMUNISM REDUX PLAN FOLLOWS THAT.
Bryon and Binkie are tasked with implementing our Communism Redux Plan. THEIR PLANINCLUDES A LOT OF SAUL ALINSKY DOGMA. THEIR CRP VERSION IS NEW AND IMPROVED.
The plan is based on stealth and obfuscation. We now destroy countries from within. They must never see us coming until it is too late. We are Cloaking our goals under the pretense of social justice. We are cultural Marxists who want to distort America’s history and dismantle its foundations. We are looking at our plans under the semblance of social justice. We are cultural Marxists who want to distort America’s history and dismantle its foundations.
Alinsky advocated an Enslaver Lite Communist regime. Bryon and Binkie’s plan views that as an aspirational goal. The Binkie and Bryon plan, down the road, calls for a strategic alliance with Russia and China. This alliance will lead to our One World Government. That plan is in the works.
Our sub-rosa takeover plan is right on target. Our subversive Teacher’s Union has inculcated Socialism into their student’s belief systems for decades. Unfortunately, parents are fighting back, which is a problem for us. Their push for school choice is hurting our propaganda agenda. Also, school choice must be stamped out with extreme prejudice and force. The founders of Black Lives Matter ran off with most of the donated money. They haven’t recovered from that. Antifa has taken a massive hit because law enforcement is now fighting back. We intend to push the United States to follow a totalitarian ideology obliterating freedom and opportunity.
The Enlightenment said that human nature is intrinsically malleable. Marx agreed. Locke saw human nature as a tabula rasa. (a blank page). Hobbes saw man’s natural state as solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Christian theology views human nature as fixed. God haters and atheists are appalled by Christianity. They view Christianity as the opiate of the masses. Choose your definition.
Lenin established the first Communist state in Russia in November 1917. Lenin wanted to create a new type of human, The Soviet Man. (Hitler later declared, “me too!”). The Communists targeted the churches when they first showed up. Terror campaigns were their go-to weapon of choice. Every Communist takeover does the same thing. (Hitler said I’m in also). The Communist Revolutionaries always shut down the churches and executed the clergy. (Again, Hitler said, “me too”). The Marxist doctrine of class cleansing is always front and center. (Hitler was a big-time class cleanser).
The private ownership of industries whose products are considered necessities. The production of products that everyone needs should not be in the hands of private profiteers. Government should democratize private businesses. Workers must control these private businesses. More and more young people believe that Socialism is the best political system for America. Academia brainwashes our children with malice and forethought. Students are taught that Socialism is the democratization of all areas of life. They are taught that America has been wallowing in the sewer of Capitalism for far too long. Now is the time to take it to the streets and kill Capitalism once and forever. The Binkie and Byron Great Reset Plan is the beginning of our revolution. The New Left has the media on its side. A successful political movement needs charismatic leadership, a national constituency, adequate financing, media proficiency, and a relevant philosophy. The Decromatic Socialists of America now have all five components in place. Their party is a force to be reckoned with.
There are now almost one thousand elected Democratic Socialists DSA) across America. Most of them are at the local and state levels of government. Their priority is to win elections that advance Socialism.
Our World Economic Form venue has secretly been working on our real intent plan since 1971. Saul Alinsky would be proud of us; our elites have done an outstanding job keeping it all hidden. Saul, they have never seen us coming. After every annual conference, we issue platitudes and perfunctory statements to the public. Useful idiots are wall-to-wall out there these days. We have spent decades brainwashing kids in our high schools and colleges. Today, it is like taking candy from babies. After decades of work, we have molded the current generation into true believers in our cause. We broke down family ties. We have broken down the guardrails of morality. For the most part, we have taken Christianity off the playing field. We have filled the world wide web with pornography and worse. We have used the web’s social media to subvert and pervert kids. We use social media to throw democratic elections our way. We have installed godless dictators in many countries.
Do you really want to lose control of your money?
Remember, Democratic Socialism is a bridge to true Socialism. OUR COMMUNISM REDUX PLAN FOLLOWS THAT.
Bryon and Binkie are tasked with implementing our Communism Redux Plan. They are getting our ducks in a row. Taking America down is Bryon’s first objective. Because of his heritage, Bryon has an ingrained hatred for Great Britain and America. He is in charge of taking both countries down to third-world status. He has accomplished flooding England with illegal aliens from the third world. He also installed a Muslim as the mayor of London. America is so much larger, so it s s taking longer. Bryon has his useful idiot as President of the United States, But his useful idiot has gone around the bend. He is dazed and confused on his better days.
The 1900s original version of Lenin’s Communism ain’t working no more. OUR CRP VERSION IS NEW AND IMPROVED. It is based on stealth and obfuscation. We now destroy countries from within. They must never see us coming until it is too late.
We have captured many millennials’ hearts and votes with our call for single-payer health care, free public college, campaign finance reform, and racial, economic, and climate justice. Our current takedown target is the one percent of the American population who own 40+/- percent of the nation’s total wealth. This exact top 1 percent paid 39.5 percent of the individual income taxes in 2022. We will increase the taxes on the rich and their corporations to pay for our social justice plans. Bryon has been pushing LGBT rights because the kids are social warriors for LGBT rights. We intend to pay off the mountains of their student loan debt. We’ll own them forever once we pay off their student debts. We have taught them individual liberties hurt the greater good. We have instilled a revolutionary spirit in our millennials. We have built a powerful political movement with a base of 2 million true believers. They are fired up and ready to go.
Another reason for the shift toward Socialism was the Great Recession of 2008. It tore a massive hole in Americans’ belief in Capitalism as the way to a better life. Many younger Americans became soft socialists. Soft Socialism blends the welfare, administrative state, and socialist democracy. Forty-four percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 29 would prefer to live in a socialist nation rather than a capitalist country. Another seven percent would choose communism. (We need to fix that). Seventy percent of those surveyed did not know that Socialism is based on the common ownership of economic and social systems. They also didn’t realize that under Socialism, the state controls the means of production, and over one-half of the survey respondents like the democratic Socialism of the Scandinavian countries. The acceptance of Socialism by young people is not new. This places millennials on a slippery slope. They are clueless about the denial of free speech, free press, free assembly, the imprisonment and execution of dissidents, no free and open elections, and no independent judiciary. Living under the dictates of Socialism or the dictatorship of the Communist Party needs to be explained to them. All the while, our education system preaches Socialism and Communism from grade school through graduate school.
The Democratic Socialists of America are on the move. Socialism’s new-found political clout is growing.
Bryon and Binkie are pushing medicare for all, free college tuition, legalization of marijuana, and the elimination of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Bryon and Binkie know that young people always sign up for the next political fad.
By the early 1990s, the USSR was bankrupt, and everything was broken. Today, Russia is afraid and alone. All that it has left is oil, land, and nukes. They did take back Crimea because a fleckless U.S. president allowed it to happen. Russia has unsuccessfully tried to take back Ukraine for over a year. That effort is destroying what is left of Russia. Most other countries that Russia controlled are NATO members today. In the late 1970s, Deng Xiaoping abandoned the rigid excesses of Maoist thought and adopted a form of communism that was more capitalist than socialist. Deng ensured the Communist Party’s control of China. China remains Communist while earning its money in a capitalist way. After decades of sluggish growth and bureaucratic inefficiency, India rejected state socialism in the 1990s. It shifted to a capitalist approach, spawning the world’s largest middle class of over three hundred million people. Sweden is not a valid socialist country. It is a social democracy. The means of production are owned primarily by private individuals. Socialism’s failure to deliver on its promises of food, peace, and land never happens. Dissident movements always rise. In Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, Poland in 1980, China’s Tiananmen Square in 1989, and Cuba for sixty years and more.or so years.
Vern Bender