• CHAPTER 8: A Great Rest Plan update, where we are, and where we are going. The current administration gets an A+.
    • Is the Great Rest Plan a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government?
    • Yes, with a few new twists.
    • 1st: Our Global Power Runners and Show Runners have re-educated the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites, along with the corporate-socialist technocrats’
    • 2nd: The Young Reset Group, the Young Global Leaders, and the Transnational Policy Networks are responsible for infiltration, recruitment, and indoctrination.
    • 3rd: Our Global Power Runners and Event Runners are in charge of all transitioning private and governmental segments.
    • 4th: Bobby Goodnuf (The American Special Presidential Envoy for Climate) is tasked with obtaining global climate financing.
    • 5th: Implement the 4th industrial revolution innovations for the public good. Nourish greener, brighter, and fairer growth.
  • 6th: We have established partnerships with Big Digital, Big Data, Digital Governance, International health agencies, and compliant populations. Our matrix l also includes artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics.
  • 7th: The private sector will partner with governments and the UN.
  • 8th: The West began with a capitalist system and is now implementing a Chinese-style political system. We will install a program of increased state intervention in the economy. We will install authoritarian governmental controls and disciplines
  • 9th: Like the virus pandemic, we will leverage natural disasters like wildfires, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, drought, and famine to advantage our Global Reset Plan. Lost opportunities are not easily found again. We will mobilize every economy’s private sector in humanitarian response and recovery. Always in partnership with governments and the UN. Coordinated action by the private sector can unlock more excellent value and produce better outcomes through crisis resilience.
  • 10th:  Global climate financing is significantly lower than needed and unevenly distributed. Innovative and collaborative financing models are required to finance urgent climate action, particularly in developing and emerging markets. Bobby Goodnuf (The American Special Presidential Envoy for Climate) is responsible for funding the project. Bobby needs to raise vast amounts of dark money. It’s time to take the gloves off. First, you plan, and then your scheme.
  • 11th: Our plan to manipulate the global currency markets went into overdrive during the virus pandemic. The mission is to drive down some currencies and pump up others, depending on which way the wind blows.
  • 12th: A propaganda campaign must be created for a  healthier, more equitable, and prosperous post-virus world. Call for global management by all stakeholders. The virus pandemic has left deep scars in many countries. We need to move in with our solutions.
  • 13th: The education of more than 1 billion students in 162 countries has been disrupted. Dumbing down targeted populations is part of the Reset Plan.
  • 14th: The creation of stakeholder capitalism to replace shareholder capitalism. Companies will work for the common good rather than for immediate profits. The construction of a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable system based on environmental, social, and governance metrics. Nourish intelligent, fair, and resilient economic growth. Reflect, rethink,  and reboot our world. A better world, controlled by us, is the goal.
  • 15th: Influence e-government platforms to improve the efficiency and transparency of remote learning for students and businesses. Strengthen the coordination in tax, regulatory and fiscal policy to create conditions for a stakeholder economy. Use large-scale government spending programs to create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable system. In times of significant public debt, put our reforms in place.
  • 16th: Open up global borders.
  • 17th: Karl Marks is unleashed. The natural battle line is between those who want to allow people to take control of their own lives, communities, and states. Against those pushing for one unified, global order that removes agency or sovereignty from any individual. 
  • Abe is gone, and the play is over, Mrs. Lincoln. The new show is up and running.
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Vern Bender