Karl Giberson was one of the Christian scientists who cited Van Till as a model for integrating Christianity with evolution. A physicist, Giberson has been a longtime associate of geneticist Francis Collins, with whom he coauthored a book. For many years, Giberson was...
GOD DID THE CODING HIS WAY. GOD DID IT THIS WAY: GOD’S START UP AND OPERATING FUNCTIONS RUN ON AN ADVANCED QUANTUM/FUNDAMENTAL ARRAY OF computing, automation, control cybernetic systems, and applications machinery that set laws and technological interfaces....
BIG BANG THEORY FLAWS PART 1. 2 Light elements: lithium and helium… Antimatter annihilation. … Surface-Brightness. … Too Large Structures. … Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) and its Anisotropies. … Dark Matter. A significant...
BIG BANG THEORY FLAWS PART 1. 2 Light elements: lithium and helium… Antimatter annihilation. … Surface-Brightness. … Too Large Structures. … Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) and its Anisotropies. … Dark Matter. A significant...
Why does dark energy cause the universe’s expansion at the intergalactic level but not at the interstellar level? One problem is that many popular accounts make it appear that “space” is some substance expanding and dragging stuff along. THIS IS WRONG. Let me...
BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR & REPENT YOUR SINS, do good, THE DEVIL IS THE FATHER OF ALL EVIL AND ALL LIES. Heaven, or the heavens, is a common religious cosmological or transcendent supernatural place where beings such as deities, angels,...