Jewish ancestry is traced back to the Biblical patriarchs such as Abraham, his son Isaac, Isaac’s son Jacob, and the Biblical matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel, who lived in Canaan. The Twelve Tribes are described as descending from the twelve sons of...
In 1896 Theodor Hertzl published a book on “The Jewish State.” Zionism was born. Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews moved to Palestine. During World War 1, most Jews supported the Germans because they were fighting the Russians, who were...
The New Left is headquartered in Hyde Park, Chicago. The Weather Underground hides in plain sight. They never stopped recruiting and indoctrinating. They still are changing the direction of the wind. They never needed a weathervane to know which way the wind blow....
Dystopia is growing in America. Societal and political challenges are taking America down. The New Left is the cause of it all. New Left educators are dumbing students down by establishing a new lowest common denominator day by day—the political-industrial complex...
Almost every war ever fought had a god of some kind on both sides. The reasons for war are many; some are just contrived. Many folks don’t know what they are fighting for. The horrors of war are etched upon the soldier’s faces as they stagger around in...
The New Left is trying to steal America, you see. Stealth and lies are their weapons of choice. The hatred of war and genocide is always around. People can’t get along. The New Left’s media cohorts get the message out for them. These New Left media...