QUANTUM COMPLEMENTARITY. The complementarity principle holds that objects have specific pairs of complementary properties which cannot all be observed or measured simultaneously. An example of such a pair is position and momentum. The density matrix is a matrix that...
THE QUANTUM LEVEL OF PHYSICS AND ITS INTERACTIONS WITH THE FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL OF PHYSICS: RQM relativistic quantum field theory (QFT): Elementary particles are field quanta. RQM predates QFT by a few years. There are no particles and no waves, just fields. Both...
A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE,...
A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. THE THREE LEVELS OF PHYSICS THEORY WILL SOLVE THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: Gravity needs to be unified with the rest of particle physics. Determine if supersymmetry is natural. (probably not). We need a...
The universe is out of balance. The distribution of matter is not t uniform. It should be smooth and regular. This contradicts the standard model. Dark matter is the controlling force that organizes large structures, such as galaxies and galactic clusters. Dark...
The geometry of spacetime emerges from patterns of quantum entanglement. Entanglement causes spacetime. The coding for this comes from the fundamental level of physics. Entanglement happens for both particles, moving at slow relative speeds or stationary. Nothing...