God is in the process of getting back all of His Promised Land. Genesis 26:2–3. And the Lord appeared to [Abraham] and said . . . “Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you, for to you and your offspring* I will give all these lands, and I...
THE GREATER ISREAL PLAN OF THE 60S AND 70S. God wants his land back; Netanyahu is responsible for God’s Plan. God wants his land back. Netanyahu is in charge of God’s Plan. THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE HAD BEEN CORRUPT AND BRUTAL; IT ENDED AFTER WWl. Britain...
TAKING THE LONG WAY HOME. The Balfour Declaration, issued by the British government in 1917, announced Britain’s promise of a national home for the Jewish people—Palestine had been under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. This appeased the Zionist movement, which...
Wicakepia sourced. The Six-day War. 1967, Israel conquered the West Bank, Gasa, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula during the Six-day War. The Sinai Peninsula was traded for peace after the Yom Kippur War. In 1980–81, Israel annexed East Jerusalem and the...
A separation is a necessary thing. How did humans get here? It matters not. Where humans are going matters a lot. The Dominion of Death is transitory. Don’t overrate its significance. It is just a separation process. Reposing in the ground or ashes in a vase, free to...
The end times litany of events is: 1st: Stop the formation of a New World Government and install democracies worldwide. 2nd: Drag the global cultures out of the sewer. 3rd: Return Christianity to what it originally was. 4th: This will rewrite the end times; the Bible...