THIS IS HOW GOD DID IT. GOD’SSTART UP AND OPERATING FUNCTIONS RUN ON AN ADVANCED QUANTUM/FUNDAMENTAL ARAY OF computing, automation, control, cybernetic systems, and applications machinery that set laws and technological interfaces. GOD IMPLEMTED GOD’S...
Oldest Empires in the World Politics Oldest Empires in the World While the Roman Empire was one the longest empires (lasted about 1,500 years) and is probably the most famous in the span of human history, it is fairly modern. The earliest empires precede the Roman...
Why does dark energy cause the universe’s expansion at the intergalactic level but not at the interstellar level? One problem is that many popular accounts make it appear that “space” is some substance expanding and dragging stuff along. THIS IS WRONG. Let me...
BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR & REPENT YOUR SINS, do good, THE DEVIL IS THE FATHER OF ALL EVIL AND ALL LIES. Heaven, or the heavens, is a common religious cosmological or transcendent supernatural place where beings such as deities, angels,...
History is most definitely written by the side that won the war. Lies use smoke and mirrors to suppress the truth. THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH IS SUBERTED BY THE DEVIL’S LIES. War, almost always, is started by EVILENT. THE DIVINITY OF GOOD. Hopefully, it shows...
By VERN AND STACEY BENDER. It is what it is. Each person possesses inner strength. Today, many under forty do not believe in organized religion or that God is trapped in a four-wall building. They believe you walk and talk, believe in your heart and faith, treat...