Every elementary particle in the Universe carries encoded data

Every elementary particle in the Universe carries encoded data

ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTER-ACTIVES. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. WE ARE A DATA-DRIVEN UNIVERSE: Every elementary particle carries encoded data. Information is...
universe we live in is information-based, It simulates reality

universe we live in is information-based, It simulates reality

  ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTER-ACTIVES. Particle mass has three generations. All visible matter in the universe comes from the first generation of matter particles. Second and third-generation particles are unstable and quickly decay into...
Gravity is not a scalar field. It is more complicated than that

Gravity is not a scalar field. It is more complicated than that

The Higgs field gives some mass to other fundamental particles such as electrons and quarks. A particle’s mass determines how much it resists changing its speed or position when encountering a force. The Higgs field is a scalar field with a nonzero vacuum...
Light particles don’t interact with dark energy.

Light particles don’t interact with dark energy.

  Eight binary characteristics represent all subatomic particles’ quantum codes and their interactions. We live in a binary universe. There are two fundamental families of particles: the universe’s building blocks, the quarks, and the leptons. Protons...
Fermions and bosons obey different quantum rules.

Fermions and bosons obey different quantum rules.

MATTER IS FORMED BY VACUUM FLUCTUATIONS. Annihilation, fission, and fusion can convert into energy matter. Destruction occurs when an electron and a positron meet. Matter and energy are the same things. They are completely interchangeable.  Virtual particles are the...